My favourite tools for hand piecing patchwork and quilts
There are no 'must have' tools when it comes to hand piecing your patchwork and quilts, well aside from, you know, a needle and thread... however over time you'll find there are tools that you use again and again, that help you hand piece. I've listed my current tool box kit below, it can change over time, but these are pretty much my go-to tools.
Have you considered hand piecing your quilts and why it’s not as whacky as it sounds!
If you’re new to hand piecing but not new to quilting you may have never considered making your patchwork by hand or consider making patchwork by hand as a crazy endeavour! Before sewing machines were invented (in the 1830’s!) how do you think vintage quilts were created… by hand.
Get your curve on!
Let me introduce you to Monochrome Peel quilt pattern published in Make Modern Magazine issue 38! Monochrome Peel was hand pieced and hand quilted big stitch style however it can be machine sewn and quilted if hand sewing isn't your jam!
Why I love hand work
Hand piecing, hand quilting and applique... for some, in the quilting world, when they hear those words it's like hearing 'lions and tigers and bears, oh my'. There's also the mindset of why would you do handwork when you have a perfectly good sewing machine...