Welcome to Craftapalooza Designs!

Hello there, {waving enthusiastically!} if you've arrived here you're a smart cookie that scanned the QR code in one of my pdf's patterns! You've landed at Craftapalooza Designs and I'm Nic Vaughan.
I've been a quilter for nearly 20 years and pretty much started out hand sewing patchwork. I was never drawn to machine piecing. Don't get me wrong. I'll machine sew finished blocks together often for a quilt top finish (sometimes I'll hand piece the quilt top) or for a small patchwork project, but handpiecing patchwork is my go-to.
My goal is to entice and inspire as many of you as I can to the joy of hand sewing patchwork. I love the glimmers and dopamine hits that hand sewing patchwork and playing with fabric provide me!
FREE MINI MASTERCLASS ON HAND PIECING PATCHWORK: Sign up for the free three day mini masterclass in handpiecing patchwork, delivered straight to your inbox. SIGN-UP.
Check out the following resources:
- Why I love handwork: LINK
- Have you considered hand piecing and why it's not as whacky as it seems: LINK - including video instructions
- My favourite tools for hand sewing patchwork: LINK
- Templates for patchwork, so many options: LINK
- Tips, tricks and thoughts on applique: LINK
- Check out some of the free fun applique blocks I've designed as part of Quilt Block Mania: LINK
Thanks for dropping by and I'll see you in your inbox soon!
My pdf patterns are at this LINK.