How-to sew a folded hexagon and where to use them
Folded hexagons are a a quick and fun option for adding texture and interest to your patchwork projects. They’re simple to make, super versatile, and the perfect way to give your handmade creations a bit of extra flair.
If you’re wondering where to use them, check out the Hexayojoy Ornament and Garland pattern—it’s packed with folded hexagon goodness, making the cutest decorations for your home or gifts. And also the Housey Pouch pattern, where folded hexagons bring extra dimension and personality to your sewn pouches.
These textural beauties are perfect for small projects like pouches, cushions, or any patchwork project that could use a little something special. Let’s jump in and learn how to sew folded hexagons—you’ll want to add them to everything!
Make fast and easy folded hexagons
Folded hexagons are an alternative to yo-yo's however you will need something to secure the centre, like a yo-yo or button. They're fast and fun to make! They can be used to sew a coverlet, no quilting required!
Trace a circle onto the wrong side of your chosen fabric and cut it out.
With the fabric wrong side up A, fold the circle in half and make a gentle crease on the fold B, don’t unfold the circle, holding the creased edge fold that across to make a quarter circle and press the folded creases C, now open up and place fabric wrong side up D.
Take the bottom of the circle up and line up the vertical crease and finger press along the fold to crease the fabric E. Then take up the folded outer edge of the circle of the crease just made and fold that in to the centre crease F. Continue to do the same process until you have folded in all the edges, on the last fold, dab a little glue in the centre and then fold the last edge. To hold the hexagon in place, or use a pin, but I find a little glue is better, G through to J. Congratulations you’ve folded your first hexagon!