Sew Much Fun Tour - 'Hand on Heart' Applique Block
It's my turn on the Sew Much Fun Tour.
Hey there! My block for the tour is a needle turn applique block (you can also do this as fusible applique or machine if that's your preference).
I'm excited to share this complimentary folksy hand applique block whilst the tour is on! This is part of a larger project with dozens of other pattern designers! Each week (for a whole year), a new FREE block pattern is released with a sewing theme. Each block is just 6" square, so if you sew along, you'll have a wonderful sewing themed quilt at the end!
To get my free block please sign up below, this will also subscribe you to my Scrappy Digest and you can unsubscribe at any time.
To see everything going on for the Sew Much Fun tour, head to the Tour home base at https://blockofthemo.com/sewmuchfun where you can see all the past and current blocks and sign up for emails, and join the Facebook group to see what everyone has been making and share your own finished blocks. I can’t wait to see your blocks!
Don't forget to check out these recent blocks...
Seam Ripper by Katie Mae Quilts
Headphones by Carolina Moore
Spool and Bobbin by Scrapdash
... and head to these ones...
Halloween Cat in sewing room by Dragonfly's Quilting Design Studio
Dress Mannequin by Applique's Quilts and More
Thread Cone by Cayenne Ridge Quilts
Having fun with this sew along~! THank you to all the designers!
Thank you!